Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I’m asking why. I’m asking who, what, where, when, why, how but…in the end, one word questions can’t begin to lead me along the path to the answers I need and questions that need to be asked like…

Why would you have war? Why famine? Why terror? Why power?
When the good do bad to do good, and the bad do good in attempts at gaining power it’s a stupid cycle. I’m tired of self-indulgent rulers looking for opportunities to branch out and make paper, even if they need to sacrifice limbs to do it. The skin is torn apart and damaged and the bark becomes all bark, no bite as substance leaks like sap from wounds.

So I ask why!?
Why is World War II always accompanied by the Jewish holocaust and thoughts of Hitler when the Far East boasts its own version of genocidal history and no one is aware of it? So I’m wondering…
Why is there a reason for 300,000 civilians to die? Why is it necessary that 200,000 young girls from Korea, China, Japan and the Philippines become comfort women for Japanese soldiers? Why do 50,000 girls have to get raped in the streets of Nanking for a force of hundreds of thousands of armed soldiers to take control? Why did tens of thousands have to be tortured for the sake of weapons development in Unit 731?
Because it’s all in the plan. Kill all, loot all, burn all and leave no one behind. It’s a nightmare for the ages and the ages give testimony to blood, sweat and tears. All shed in gallons as POW’s, slaves and the dying all beg for an end to the suffering. Chinese and Korean civilians from babies to 70 year old seniors all subject to tests like inoculations of disease, flamethrower testing, limb amputation, chemical weapons tests, and being surgically opened up for study while they were still alive.

Why would you have 8 year old girls on their knees begging their captors for sympathy for the freedom they had only seconds ago? Why would you have 13 year old girls praying to God, asking for a way out of the terror they are trapped in, but it didn’t do shit. Why would you give them reason to fear guns and bayonets, fearing forms of soldier silhouettes as shadows creep around the corner looking for victims and slaves? Why does a nation’s safety lie in the hands of foreigners and land known as the Nanking Safety Zone in their own country?

Why would human beings lose compassion for different people just from being in a uniform? A uniform that is soon coated in the blood of innocent people slaughtered under the command of generals and politicians sitting on thrones built of greed. Why is compassion a commodity that is rarer than gold-coated diamonds on the battlefield…even when that battlefield is the capital of China with no enemy soldiers in sight?
Why is national duty enough to destroy a man’s soul!?
The victims are not my people, but it is not just THEM. It’s US. One nation is one country. One country is one race. And one race is all the same people. People like you, you and you no matter your cultural background…people that feel the same joys granted by carefree freedom…people that feel the same pain as we stare down into the depths of gun barrels and pricks at points of blades.
Because if you prick us we bleed. And at this moment…I’m bleeding words to describe the pain I feel in the eyes of speaking women. Eyes that are coated in a film of tears on the wrinkled faces of 80 year old women that survived thousands of cases of rape through 8 years of war and occupation because they were forced into the service of a country that wasn’t theirs…a country that was invading their homeland and killing hundreds by the hour.

And as I watched this former “comfort woman” give testimony, I begin to think. And out of these thoughts my own eyes begin to tear and I say FUCK THE EUPHEMISM! These military sexual slaves have to live with the pain of those years for the rest of eternity and we’re trying to make the offense sound less offensive and more acceptable so the people can swallow the blue pill. But why lie?
Why mislead people into thinking that nothing went wrong and that the only genocide that mattered in the Second World War happened to the Jews in Germany!? But that misconception is hurting me. So I have to ask why.

Why does this seem like ancient history? Why is it that they got away with all of it? Why is God standing idly by while millions suffer? God, why are you testing my faith in my own people? Why do you let us hurt each other over and over and over again? Why would you let something like this be hidden behind 70 years of amnesia?

And most importantly, why would you let us forget?

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